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Neil Kahawatte

How long will my project take to complete?

The timescale and programme of each individual construction project will be unique, but a written programme, usually in the form of a Gantt chart, can be produced from the outset of the project, and reviewed and updated as the project progresses. Many projects follow typical patterns which can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Some aspects of a project may be beyond the control of the project team (e.g. the statutory period of a planning application is fixed in principle, although it is not uncommon for these to be exceeded by the local authority). Other aspects such as the design development process can vary greatly based on the speed and clarity with which options are tested and decisions are made. There are also a number of aspects throughout a project that can be run concurrently if necessary to expedite the overall project timeframe.


Your project manager can assist you in considering programme and mapping out the likely timeframes. If you have certain preferences or constraints that you would like to be considered in the programme, then it is good to raise these from the outset.

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